Guangzhou Metro

Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Journey to the East
Price per head:
33.67 CNY · 5 USD
  Journey to the East    
Published At : 2018-05-15 16:19:00    
Replies : 0
Price per head:
33.67 CNY · 5 USD

Guangzhou Metro is a very convenient transportation tool for the city. It is modern, clean, comfortable and inexpensive. USD2.00, or less, may help you to reach all parts of the city, plus other suburbs like Punyu, Shiqiao, Changlong. The Metro is also connected to the Baiyuen International Airport. Announcements made inside the trains are being broadcasted in 3 languages, Mandarin, Cantonese and English. To avoid the busy traffic in Guangzhou, Guangzhou Metro is the best mean for traveling around in the city.

Note: As there are many routes, all colour coded, covering the city, you should study the Metro map before you hop onto a train.