Guangshen Railway: Trains from Shenzhen to Guangzh

Luohu Commercial City, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Journey to the East
Price per head:
101.01 CNY · 15 USD
  Journey to the East    
Published At : 2018-05-15 16:18:45    
Replies : 0
Price per head:
101.01 CNY · 15 USD

Guangshen Railway: Trains from Shenzhen to Guangzhou

The easiest way to go to Guangzhou from Hong Kong would be taking the direct train from Hong Kong’s Hung Hom train station. You may also take HK MTR to Shenzhen and make a connection from there to Guangzhou, via trains run by Guangshen Railway. By doing that you may do your shopping at Luohu Commercial City which is famous for brand name imitation items. Scheduled trains, between Shenzhen Control point, at Luohu Commercial City, and Guangzhou downtown, are available almost every hour. Each ticketed passenger would get an assigned seat and the trains are clean and comfortable.

Ticket cost: USD13.00