Tallinn cruise port

Sadama 25/14, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia
Published At : 2019-08-09 14:03:54    
Replies : 1

Estonia's capital city is only 53 miles across the Gulf of Finland from Helsinki, but for nearly 50 years, as part of the Soviet Union, it was ideologically a world away. That ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union and Estonia became the Baltic's smallest independent nation. There is no port terminal or security check when coming off the ship. You can take a shuttle for $10USD (return)or hop-on-hop off to town center. Visiting the old town is highly recommended. You can use $usd or €. Public buses are about 20 minute from old town. You can walk from the pier as well.

Ray     2019-08-09 00:49:51

Tallinn port has no terminal or security check when coming off the ship. You can take a shuttle for $10USD or hop-on-hop off to town center. Visiting the old town is highly recommended.