Huanghuagang Garden - 黃花崗

China, Guangdong Sheng, Guangzhou Shi, Yuexiu Qu, HuanShi DongLu YanXian, Xian Lie Zhong Lu, 82号-1翰林阁
Bar Hopper
  Bar Hopper    
Published At : 2018-05-23 15:47:38    
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Huanghuagan Garden – 黃花岗

Huanghuagan Garden was established to remember the uprising of the revolution against Qing Dynasty on April 27, 1911. Most of the revolutionaries of this failed uprising were killed. 86 bodies were found and only 72 of them could be identified. They were buried together in a single grave on Huanghuagang (Yellow Flower Mound), a place close to where they fought and died.

Today Huanghuagang a public park built to commemorate the martyrs who gave up their lives for the revolution. In the park you may find the names of the 72 revolution martyrs that could be identified in that uprising.