First Chinese BBQ

Ho Ho Chinese BBQ, however, served better roasted duck and BBQ pork. I also found First Chinese BBQ use a lot of food colour and MSG in its BBQ pork. If you want good crisp roasted pig, you should consider First Chinese BBQ. For roasted duck and BBQ pork, I would choose Ho Ho Chinese BBQ.

Not all Chinese restaurants can make Chinese BBQ, as it requires special skills and equipment for its making. Austin has two restaurants, First Chinese BBQ and Ho Ho Chinese BBQ, which are specialized in making Chinese BBQ. While Ho Ho Chinese BBQ is located at the north side of the city, along I-35, First Chinese BBQ is right at the Austin’s Chinatown.
In terms of dining environment, Ho Ho Chinese BBQ has a nicer dining room and better furniture, while First Chinese BBQ is little bit run-down. In terms of services, the waiters in both restaurants are very friendly, while Ho Ho Chinese BBQ’s service, with better servers’ uniforms, is more courteous and professional.
In order to do a fair comparison of their BBQ, I ordered the same items, BBQ pork, roasted duck & crispy roasted pig from both restaurants. The prices for these items for both restaurants are about the same. First Chinese BBQ’s crispy roasted pig’s skin was more crispy and tender than Ho Ho Chinese